Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon: India Vs China

Huh... I have to take u all d way down to chemistry to tell u d difference.... d difference between Compound and Mixture.....Compound is something dat changes the charecteristic property of its constituents whereas Mixture is d one which inherits d charecteristic properties of its constituents....China is a Compound which alters the property of its people according to its needs(u know wat happened with Google ) whereas India  is lyk a Salad in which cucumber preserves its taste while Carrot preserves its...... xactly dis is d contrast between India nd China.....

All signs show that China is winning d race till now..... Dey are growing at double digit rate,doing massive investment in infrastructure,have a huge foreign currency deposit , World Largest Supplier of Electronic Goods , World's biggest consumption Market, World's second largest Economy which  overtook Japan recently, have interest in African Countries, A very Commited Leadership...and above all COMMUNISTS.... dey seem to b a competetor of USA ,Forget India....Isn't it?

Compare dis with India's Huge corrupt political class, a very lethargic attitude( organizing CWG) , Red Tapism ,Minimal investment in infrastructure , Every Project gets delayed indefinetly, judiciary and Police are in mess,Exponential increase in population ......And above All..... DEMOCRACY ....Do we even stand a chance????

Now Look at dis picture...... India is world's Fourth largest Economy and it is slowly going to overtake Japan as well, most probably in dis decade, India is going at 8-9 % which is comparable to china and was growing at 5-6 % even in Recession when all Developed Economies were growing(or Falling) at -ve growth rates, India has world's Largest Youth population i.e 16-30 Yrs whereas China due to its one child policy has an ageing population and dat dere best has passed whereas India's best is about to come . This Restless population has made rapid strides in Political system ( Now Ayodhya and Casteism have given way to some honest politicians as well),dey will improve the Judiciary as well as Police force in time to come. It is the bigggest Misconception that Democracy is a roadblock to development rather it is a very important asset. Let me xplain u dis, In China, a person doesn't own his house , every peace of land legally belongs to Government of China and  d person living on that Land is actually living on Lease so whenever Government needs to make a Fly-over and ur home comes in between they can relocate u somewhere else and u cannot complaint ....Is dis d price of Development u r ready to pay..... China intentionaly devalues its currency to keep it Low in order to earn through Exports, Why Chinese Currency is not consideredto b  accepted Globally bcoz nobdy knows wat is d exact value of it ( u may say dey r lyk Satyam).....All dose parameters that r counted in balance Sheet r tailored.....Equally important are Parametrs lyk Human Rights , Right to be informed ( use Google), Right to Socialize ( Skype is under monitoring while Facebook is banned)...... India has progressed despite such poor Infrastructure bcoz India flourishes Entrepreneaurship  ,Indians have came with a solution to solve dere own problems .They do not need to go Global, If IT Companies starts preparing Software for railways ,Banks or UID They do not need to take foreign contracts. We have a huge consumption base and we can earn a living catering to them only....we have one of the world's most transparent,Carefully Regulated  Economy..So, There is every reason of being Optimistic .... Aftr all the tortoise won d race against d rabbit.....

But ,There is Caution in d wind , At present We have built a very good Forign surplus since FDIs  are coming to India but when after 20-25 years All foreign companies will come to India then it will be an issue to think how will we grow. In 1970's and 80's India used to export Jute and Sugarcane but Today We export Software Engineers and MBA Graduates.... Its important that our youth instead of working for a foreign Executive talking in American Accent , We need to move up the value chain and needs to invest heavily on Education,  R &D  and Infrastructure so that we don't deviate from our path.... Its correctly said that India Develops in Night when Government of India Sleeps.... To win dis race between Crouchin Tiger and Hidden dragon, The Tiger has to improve its Leadership whereas the very premise of Dragon is wrong , The growth always needs to be inclusive and that can happen only in a Democracy so  d Communist Dragon has to give way to it....

I hope It wasn't too educative.... will try to come with some ' traditional ' Blogs as well ...dose typical "Masala" blogs... For the tym being , dis is wat i have to share.....wud b waiting for ur feedback.....Reply whethr u lykd it or not..

God Bless u All
Rab Rakhaji


  1. hello,

    i liked the blog..and the comparison.


  2. "Its correctly said that India Develops in Night when Government of India Sleeps"

    Great Lines.......


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